Thursday, August 9, 2007

Red Neck Roots

You can pick your clothes, or pick your nose. You can pick your date or pick your mate. You can pick your boots but your roots are picked for you. I picked some funny pics.

We had a blast at the Cummings Family Reunion. It was a fun packed time for everyone. It looked like trailer town in the Dodd's back yard. It was shocking to see how much the kids had grown. Scott needs to get a cannon to keep the boys away from his door.

Thank you Brad and Sandra for putting up with 30 people invading your house. I know it was a lot of work for you. You are a gracious host and we love you for it.


Sandra dodd said...

Thank you Avis!
It was so good to have all you here! I never want to wait this long to have another family gathering! Hopefully next time around we will have everyone here! Missed you Bonnie, Ellis, Juliana, Treasa, Doug, Kimberly and Jeremy...... wait a minute....Or could it be that you guys did not come because you were ashamed to be seen with my fine looking mess of childens... better not be...

Amy said...

Yeah. What Mom said.