Friday, January 19, 2007

First Official Saturday Roll Call

Okay kids, here it is. Our first official assignment. This week we are going to talk about getting old. How do you feel about aging? Everybody does it, some with more grace and some with complete denial. How are you doing?

I just decided that we will all share the responsibilities of the Saturday Roll Call. Next week's roll call question will be brought to you by Gina.


jana said...

I turn 40 this year!!!!!!! I'm in denial.

Sandra Dodd said...

Who said I was aging?

Not Hertz said...

I'm with Jana! I can't believe she is turning 40! It was just yesterday she was a mascot for her high school. I told Julianna last year that she could have my birthday. I think she would have taken it for the presents if her mother would have let her.

Amy said...

When I was 17 and Jana was 27 we got on an elevator with a bunch of high school boys. They didn't even notice me. Jana has every reason to be in denial. She won't look 40 until she's 80.
As for me, I turn 30 this year and I am really looking forward to it. I have always felt old, not mature- just old, and 30 is a bit closer to how I feel than 17 was. I get a lot less looks from people when I need to sit and rest after a flight of stairs now than I did then. "Of course you need to rest. You're so old!"

Gina said...

Okay, since Amy spilled the beans...30 is quickly approaching...well in 11 1/2 months (HA! 9 1/2 for her!!). But that is around the corner in adult time. I remember as a kid thinking that 30 was old. Now that I am knocking on that door, it's not all it cracked up to be. Now I look at all the kids who live around us and think "Hey, when did we start letting 10 year olds get married..let alone join the military??" They are so young. I guess there is a point where you drop the old bit and start to really wonder about them youngsters!!
As a funny side note, when I introduced roman numerals to my kids at school we were playing a game of stand up if you are this age. I put 9 on the board first then 8 then 10...followed by 29. The gasps were almost too much to bear!! Just wait until next year....three x's!!
By the way Amy are these responses supposed to be on the blog or in comments?? I need someone to lead me by the hand..

Amy said...

See, my plan was to have everyone post a response, but I think that commenting is better for a couple of reasons:
1) It keeps the page cleaner
2) It seems more conversational.
So, in closing, you are a very old lady and we will stick with commenting. Though, anyone can create a post anytime they want.

Amy said...

And also, Mom just told me that it was not Jana, but her OLDER sister in the elevator. That makes it even more pointed. Those girls don't age.

Shug said...

I'm with my "YOUNG" daughter.....this side of the fence will always be in denial. However my mom always told me there is something good about every age. And when you reach a very mature age you can always.............