Saturday, January 27, 2007

My favorite memory

My favorite memory of Jimmy's sense of humor was when he said he wanted all his sister-in-laws to be his pallbearers. He loved to hear his family sing so we all went down to record some of the worst "non-professional" hymns ever recorded in a professional recording studio. But it was music to his ears. He said he wanted all singing at his funeral then have the preacher get up and say "He was a sorry SOB. Now turn to page 728B in your hymn books.

For you young whipper snappers, women pallbearers were unheard of then, not to mention if you doubled the number of his sister-in-laws they could not have pulled the task off. Page 728B was a supplement page that was glued into the back of the church songbook that Jimmie loved.

Jimmie knew he was a sinner but he did discover that he could not out sin the love and grace of God. Definitely a message for us all.


Amy said...

I think that sitting in church with Grandpa while we sang is among my favorite memories of him. I had forgotten about his funeral plans. He could never be accused of thinking too highly of himself.
Does anybody have that tape? Does it even still exist?

Not Hertz said...

Your Momma should have a copy of it. All the older parents should have at least one copy if not more than one.

Gina said...

Ironically, I think I may have it. You'll have to wait until I sift through all of my belongings for this next move to confirm such a rumor!

Sandra Dodd said...

Mom and Dad taught me more about grace than any sermon I ever heard from a pulpit. I got a first row seat in seeing how God can take Satan's worst schemes of pain & destruction and turn them into a life full of victory. Satan gets no satisfaction from his plans and God gets all the glory. I just love it!