Saturday, February 17, 2007

Saturday Roll Call

I forgot to assign the roll call for this week (or last week for that matter), so I am going to do it myself. Take a moment, hold my hand, and let's have a fence post chat about family pets. I'll go first.
We got Rocco three years ago when he was real little and we thought the kids were ready for a family pet. We named him Rocco because something about him struck us as being a bit of a meathead hooligan. He grew from puppy hood to be a massive Cujo looking dog who strikes fear in the hearts of all who encounter him. What is truly sad is that Rocco is far from any kind of vicious dog. He charges at people and leaps on them because he wants to be their friend. It isn't until he has been maced that he realizes perhaps his expression of wanton friendship isn't entirely welcomed. He still likes to cuddle up in my lap, though it is a bit awkward. He was formerly an outside dog, but he proved too tender footed for that. With Eric working the long hours that he does, I find comfort in having a dog that can strike fear in the hearts of men five times my size.

See? That wasn't so hard. Now you do it too. Write about any pet you wish. A favorite childhood pet, your current pet, a pet you wish you had. Whatever. Just write.

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