Sunday, February 4, 2007

Where am I and how did I get here?

Okay, listen up! This is very important information that I am about to tell you! Those of you that have not gotten this information may end up surprising a middle-age- man who is completely shocked and confused as to why you would want to spend the week-end (first week-end in August) at his house. That being said, Brad and I now live in Round Rock but we still attend church in Austin. Brad serves as an elder and I stand next to him and serve as a nervous deer-in-the headlights spouse.
We are currently rebuilding a house in Round Rock and hope to have it finished by the first week-end in August. We have been living in the back yard of our house in a travel trailer since October of 05 as we labor over our home. . I believe that makes us the only ones in the family that officially qualifies as trailer trash. If we are not quite done by August hammers and nails will be handed out at the door as you arrive. I am so looking forward to seeing ALL of you! (my favorite Ice-cream?) Blue Bell Vanilla! Somebody has to make a stand for the boring!


Amy said...

You never have shied away from taking a stand for the boring. You slept through every movie we ever rented.

Shug said...

Did you say the family reunion is the first weekend in August .... THAT WOULD BE AUGUST 4&5?

jana said...

We have a family reunion?